Where am I?




Yeah, totally Robert freakin' Pattinson A.K.A. Cedric Diggory A.K.A. Edward Cullen.

ON MY RADIO STATION YESTERDAY!! It is true. And I missed it but that's okay, because I was able to hear it this morning on the radio driving to work. AND I listened to it again once I got to work through the web page.

WAHOO!!! Tomorrow night is the night I go and see TWILIGHT!


Tonight! Twilight!

Tonight at Midnight, Twilight Premiers!! KKYYYYAAA!!!!

Edward, Bella, Jacob, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Alice, Emmet, Jasper, Mike, Eric, Angela, Jessica, Charlie, James, Laurent and Victoria DEBUT!!!! and an Apple too.

I cannot wait. Seriously. I'm going to hyperventilate at the theater. My wish is to go tonight at midnight, but I don't know if that will be possible since I have to wake up at 5:30 for work. Perhaps I will take a nap when I get home from work today! WOOT WOOT!!!!

Edward Cullen, you make me crumble!


And so.....

It has ended..Book number three.

As the Lion fought the Lioness.

And now onto book number four. The Finale.

I can't resist the art of the book cover so here they are~

Book Two.

Book Three.

The fourth and final book. :D


So, I started reading Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, and I must say....

I have a crush on Edward Cullen.

That is all.

Oh uh....it's a very good book so far, and I cannot wait to see it in theaters. Of course, after I finish the book.


Catching Up...

I have A LOT of catching up to do so I'm going to do it on one huge post. Here goes.

I installed my awesome Shogun No Cut Frame Sliders.
Here is my bike naked.I don't really know what part that is....And here is the side view of my bike :D So naked....OoOoO SEXY.
TADA!!!! Frame Sliders!!!

And I also won some lens covers and rim tapes, here are the pictures for that :)
RED lens cover fo' sho'! and the light shines red when I use my headlights! So...I had to take it off cause that's illegal. :'( But it looks pretty sweet. It was a pain to get on.

Check out my sweet ass rim tapes. The red looks so awesome with the black. WOO HOO!!

Ivy here is about to attack me....RUN!!!!

Look Look! I made my first Fondant cake!! Nobody liked it :p But it looks cute yeah? It looks more appetizing when you know there's a slice cut off and someone might have eaten some.

Ivy and I went out drinking with Jennie and Shaun. WOWA. Haha it was fun.....ended horribly thanks to me, but it was fun.
Awww so happy. I'm glad they finally got their shit straightened out. Cause it was nasty for a while and I HATED being in the middle of it.
Ivy gets super kissy when drunk. Here, whith Jennifer~

Uhh...None with me but this is cute!!! :D
I found one with me!! Kissin' the Camera~

We've still kinda been working at the bar. I think Ivy officially quit hahah. And I don't go last weekend. Staying up until one thiry on Sunday's is starting to kill me since I have an early morning for work. Ivy shakin' up a drink.

It gets....really really really boring working there on Sundays. We only had one super busy night and that was cause the Navy came home!

Guess what?!
Mr. Barack Obama is our new presiden and he will be making his move into the White House Soon!!! YAY!! VICTORY!! YES. WE. CAN. and did :D http://www.getreligion.org/wp-content/photos/small_obama_image.jpg
Look at him, he just LOOKS like a president. He reaks Mr. President! And he's quite a catch as well (Psh, duh, that's the only reason why I voted for him!) Muahahahha.
We totally celebrated in Seattle that night at the Pike and The Westin.

PIKE WAS INSANE!! So many people and there were people out there with their instruments playing awesomeness!

Tee hee hee....had some champagne.
Aibi was drunk....
Uhhh..what are you doing Aibichan?
We saw the COOLEST truck EVER outside of the Westin. Oh and by the way, I totally wanted to cry when Obama was giving his speech. It was REALLy good, and you can tell it wasn't scripted and he spoke truthfully.Mmm...Best bumper sticker yeah?
And that concludes my posting. I think I'm pretty well caught up now :D :D :D