Where am I?



Last night was the first day for my Motorcycle Safety Foundation Class!
It's actually pretty fun. There are twelve of us all together in class, we sit in groups of three. We discuss videos, and the things we read from the book. And we start riding first thing Saturday morning!! I'm pretty stoked for that part.
I pretty much know how to ride my bike, but these classes are HIGHLY recommended and I'd rather be safe out there :) AND If I take and pass this class, I don't have to take the written or driving test at the DMV which is a bit of a relief. :D
So by next Monday, I will finally be LEGAL to ride around on my bike. All I need is some nice weather. But I'm sure I'll start riding in the rain too, it's inevitable and it's supposed to rain this weekend during class anyways. So it will be good practice.

OH!! and I got my gloves that I purchased yesterday! They are awesome! Goes well with my bike and jacket. :)

So....I'm pretty much ready to ride, I have my jacket, my gloves, my boots, my sweet ass helmet, and of course, the best part of the riding experience, my Ninja :)

I'm super excited it's ridiculous. I'm looking forward to riding around town by myself :)

Okay So I'm going to show off all my gear here.... :D

Here's my Jacket that I got :D

Here are the boots I purchased!

And you already saw my gloves up there.

My Sweet Sweet Helmet. I like the Red and Black, it matches my bike very well.

I eventually want to get the Dahlia. It's so pretty and I love flat black.

This is the Dahlia :)

I don't really have a current picture of my bike right now, but I will post another blog about the current state of my bike and about the mods I have made to it so far :)



Out of all the people that I have known since 1997, how is it that I ended up being on the wrong side of the tracks?



Was St. Patrick's Day! So of course, I just HAD to celebrate. And the way I celebrate you ask?


Of course, I spent it with my two favorite boys. Conner and Murphy.

Needless to say, it was a very good night, although I had to work early in the morning, I only got three hours of sleep. And no, I wasn't alone. That just makes me sound like an alky haha :D

It's finally Friday, and I need to hurry and order my motorcycle gloves. I start my class next weekend! I'm nervous and excited and scared all at the same time. And I really really really hope I pass the class, that way I won't have to take the damn riding test at the DMV. It's probably more strict and difficult there anyways. SO! I hope I do well in class and soon enough, I will be riding Ninja all day every damn day. As long is the sun comes out....which hasn't been happening at all this entire month.




I went to the Pacific Northwest Ballet last night with Ivy! She got free tickets from work so we decided to go :)
They were doing a Broadway Festival. 4 different half hour shows.

Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
TAKE FIVE....More or Less
and Last but not least West Side Story Suite

It was actually pretty good and I enjoyed it very much.

I did fall asleep a couple of times though..but NOT because it was boring, I was just exhausted!

Well, tonight is Watchmen!

I heard that it might be quite confusing but I am rather excited to see this movie.
Too bad it's so late at night...I was going to go watch the Fifth Element.
BUT hopefully I will be able to see it Saturday night after poker night. IF I go to poker tournament.
Fifth Element is SO worth seeing in the Theaters. I cannot wait. :)