Where am I?



[The pictures get cut off, so if you want to see the whole real deal, just click on it :D]

We totally have a clan of Ninja's now! Hahaha :)

Sara has a candy plasma blue ninja now, and Melody has a black ninja :D

Here are pictures of our awesome sawesome bikes.

That one is Sara's and mine :D

And that's Melody's and mine yay!

Oh! I did my first mod by myself :D (with a tiny bit of help from my dad)
I got the competetion werkes fender eliminator kit, cause I mean come on....the fenders on the 250's are pretty uggo.

That's my original fender.

Here is his naked butt. :D

Tada! Fender CHOP! That picture is kinda hard to see the fender huh...

I'll get a better one next time.

Now I'm saving up money for my next couple of mods which are a lot more complicated and I will need the help of some people...

I'm hopefully getting a new dash, but I really want my exhaust first. A lot of people get just the slip-on's, but I'm going for the whole exhaust system. Add a little more power to my Ninja :)



EVERYWHERE I go there is construction work going on. Can't they stick to one project, finish it, and THEN move on to the next project? West on 520 has been under construction for about 3-4 weeks now. They finished east side construction within a week. Why does the west bound have to take so long. URGHA.

It's a lot more dangerous on the bike too...it can get pretty bumpy and scary. And those grooved pavements, I hate those grooved pavements!

And these signs are everywhere.

I'm just waiting for the day my tires slip out under me because of these grooved pavements and big ass bumps. 1st Avenue in Seattle is shitty as all hell, and now they are getting started on 4th. Wait to shut down all the businesses on 1st Avenue Seattle.