Where am I?



So..I've always been into Records, and my collection has gotten much bigger recently! A lot of artists are releasing Vinyl's lately and I've been getting them! And I have a few old vinyls as well.

Vinyl = Record Player...right??

OMG I finally got one!!!

Isn't it cute?? YES. IT IS.!!!

It arrives tomorrow and I'm stoked to start playing music on it!

I'm not going to open it up until I'm moved into the new place though...I'll just check to see if it works. :D

My first records to play will be Menomena's Mines! YAY!!


SO! I'm getting a new apartment!

Ivy and I have decided it is time to separate. She moved in with Jamus!! They have a really cute nice apartment!

I'm moving to the big city!! It's going to be tough cause living alone will be a lot more expensive, but I will do my best!!

That's my apartment building, I like the Wonder Bread sign up top Kee hee hee.

Man I went through a lot of apartments...this was the first one I saw and I loved it!! It was a little too expensive though...
But I looked and looked at many many other places and they're just all tiny and gross looking!!! I said shit, might as well pay the extra $100 to be in a nicer place!!

It's a little past Chinatown. That might be a bit of a sketchy area but I figure I would blend in. :)

I'm stoked to get some new things for the apartment :)


I got myself a new fish tank!!

It's super cute and I'm excited to own some fishies! My parents pretty much kidnapped my Ki Ki...and won't quite allow me to take her back to the apartment with me..I guess it's good that she's got a nice summer share to hang around at!

I'm getting four different kinds of fish! All Freshwater fish of course

-Pearl Danio
-Annnnnddd......maybe another Guppy or Danio!

I'm excited!!!!


Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

I can't get over how great his new Recovery album is! I really can't stop listening to it.
New video!

Fleet Week!

I would have to say that the Navy is the best military branch out there.

And tis the season for the Blue Angels to show off :D

And I love it because during this time, they fly right above my building at work! So loud and powerful.




There is some serious construction going on everywhere I go.

Right at work in front of my building, the exit off of 520 by my apartment, every night after my other work on both 405 and 520 and then I-90 is closed during the day because of the Blue Angels.

It's like...WOWA. Do one big project at a time man!




Yesterday, Ivy, Jay and I went and saw Inception at the IMAX in Seattle.
And OOOOOoohhhhhh Myyyyyyy GGGGGAAAH!

It was pretty much spectacular. I am definitely looking forward to watching it again.

Just, the whole idea of the movie was incredible and it totally messes with your mind. The whole dream within a dream within a dream. WOWA.

It was great :) HIGHLY recommend anyone/everyone seeing it. And the cast they used was pretty much perfect. As always, Leonardo DiCaprio's performance was astonishing.



SO! Ivy and I are planning on going for a nice vacation trip to Hawaii!

This would be our 20 year reunion with Hawaii. We were last there in 1990 :)

I'm SO very excited to go. I really want to go....


Eat some amazing Hawaiian food...

Definitely re-visit Diamond head...

Watch some Hula performances perhaps?!

Anyways, all in all, I am EXTREMELY excited. This would be my first big vacation and I simply cannot wait! I am in super money saving mode! YAY!



what?!! It's been SO long since I've blogged! I'm going to start again!

First, I got my Pearl Jam Poster FRAMED!!! Thank you to Ivy! It was a Christmas gift to get it framed :)