Where am I?


Seattle Sun

Today, instead of eating during lunch, hahah I went out for a ride!
I had to get some gas first so I went to the gas station and then went up 99 and onto the Viaduct. It was GORGEOUS!

And then I got of on Seneca St., turned right on 1st Avenue and went through Pioneer Square. Pioneer square was awesome. I need to spend more time there. :)



On Saturday I went down to Everett to hang out with my parents and grandparents. My grandma made her famous Roast Beef/my Grandpa's favorite meal ever that night. So I had a delicious dinner!

Since I was in Everett with nothing else to do, I pondered, and wondered if anybody would be up to anything. So I texted Marting Maxwell to see if he was up to anything and he was with Jacob, Sara, Melanie, Jay, and Brian! So we decided to meet up at a bar and go drinking :D I had to wait about two hours for them to finish the Seahawks game......but it was worth it :D

We met up at the Whammy bar, Ryan and Adam weren't there. I wanted to see Ryan! I haven't seen him in a long time. And then we went down to where Tailgater Joe's used to be. I guess it's not Tailgater Joe's anymore. I loved it back then. They had the best pool table and nachos EVER.I bought the first round for everyone. Kamikaze! There was a crazy dance floor and a lot of people at the bar, we went downstairs and found a table to sit at. It was an overall great night! Ryan showed up too and Bjorn and his friend was there too. Here's a picture of us!

And then everybody left at around 2/2:30 and I drove to Martin's non-existent party. Here said there would be a party, I got there and there were only like five of them haha and Stephan showed up too. It was a good weekend :)



I have decided to set aside some money for a trip next year. I call it my ultimate Pearl Jam trip. I'm going to save as much money as I can, and hopefully when Pearl Jam goes on tour next year, I will have enough to see them somewhere exotic :)

New Zealand? Australia? Europe? Hawaii? JAPAN?! Preferably out of the country besides Canada. I already saw Eddie Vedder in Canada. So, I already have a small stash started and I'll keep on adding to it.

In more immediate savings news. Drew is helping me get an exhaust system. Since he works at a motorcycle mechanic shop, he will be able to order it for me. I hope I will be able to work on installing it with him instead of having his shop guys do it all. I would like some hands on time on my Ninja. I've been going back and forth between the Yoshi, and the Two Bros. I told Drew this and suggests the Leo Vince. I've been doing some research on the Leo Vince and I'm digging it. I heard the Yoshi slip-on in person and yeah, it was loud but it didn't sound TOO great. Sounded a little poppy. I intend on getting the full system. So I have to me in super saving mode.


The Chase


The book I am currently reading right now is The Chase by Clive Cussler. My dad gives me books a lot when he's done reading them. And he's been reading a lot of Clive Cussler. He turned me to Michael Crichton, and he is/was an amazing author. I love his books. It is too bad he passed away. At quite a young age. But I still have a lot of his books to read so I'm glad :)

I like to re-read books too. A lot of people read 'em once and throw them out. But as I get older, I like to re-read them. Gives me a different insight.