Where am I?


Do you ever feel like the place would be better if you just weren't around?

Man..really felt like that today.


Ice Caves.

Mari, Jay and I went hiking last Saturday 09.10.2011.
We drove up to Snohomish and hiked to the Ice Caves! It was a very lovely nice day outsides! It was the perfect weather for Hiking, that's for sure. We started off kind of late but I think it was actually perfect timing, we were able to dip our feet in ice cold water while the sun was beaming down on us. It was a good two hour hike ish, total. We even sat right by the cave to have some snack time :)


The Girl with the PAW Tattoo

Haha! Man, I want another tattoo. It's been a looong time since i've gotten one and I'm usually careful when getting tattoos. (not that I have a history of getting tattoos)
Anywho, that's not the point of this post.

I am currently reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The beginning of the book is a bit slow, and it may take a while to get into, but once Lisbeth Salander is introduced, you just can't get enough of her. She only comes in here and there a few times in the first half of the book, but she sucks you in. You'll keep reading the book until you get a glimpse of Lisbeth, and she makes it worth your while. I am currently waiting for her to meet the main journalist in this film. This book is good, I can confidently say that!
I acquired the original Swedish Dragon Tattoo Trilogy, which consists of, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. I haven't finished the book, but I think i'm going to go ahead and watch the original movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo pretty soon! I'm excited! Another reason why i'm excited is because David Fincher is directed the American Version of this movie with Daniel Craig as Blomkvist (journalist) and Rooney Mara as Lisbeth. Rooney has transformed A LOT for this role! She even when out and got piercings everywhere so that she can get into character. The first trailer of the movie is already epically amazing with Trent Reznor signed on to work on the soundtrack. This is one movie I am extremely excited for!!
Check out the trailer!

Ukulele Tour 2011



Do you see that do you see that???
Friday July 15th was the second to last show for Eddie Vedder's Solo Tour for Ukulele Songs. And I, of course being the awesome fan that I am, had two tickets to go see Eddie Vedder live in concert at Benaroya Hall!!! I've never been there and heard many beautiful things about it so I went! And it WAS beautiful! I had no idea where my seats were until we got into the actualy hall, and DAYAMN! I had some good seats! I had box seats and it was the second box from the very front! AND we were in the front row man...how cool is that! It's super cool, that's what it is. We got to the hall and there's was a long line before ticketing and it was for a poster! So I jumped in line like WHA BAMB! And got myself an Eddie Vedder poster and a deck of Eddie Vedder Cards!!
Here is what the poster for the Seattle show looked like:

Eddie Vedder Seattle Solo Tour 2011

Pretty badass right? Ummmm...RIGHT! Shit cost me thirty five buckaroos! WORTH IT! I need to get that one framed! Unfortunately, I had to roll it up and we had to run back to the car just so it won't get rained on later that night!
I also purchased a T-Shirt!
Glen Hansard performed a couple of songs with Eddie Vedder. There was even one time where he unplugged everything, and sang unplugged with Glen Hansard! It was EPIC!!!

All in all, I am glad I was able to see EV in concert, it will never be forgotten! Him and his awesomely intimate shows! :D

Singh Along with Me~

One of my new favorite directors, aside from Danny Boyle, Darren Aronofsky, and David Fincher, is Tarsem Singh. He has made it into my top four movies.

I saw the movie The Cell (his first movie) a looong time ago and it's just one of those movies, that if you see just once the images will be stuck with you pretty much forever! I've only seen the movie twice but it was the most visually stimulating movie I have ever seen. And..well..it was a weird movie! The colors that he uses are just incredible! I'll post some pictures so that you can see! :D Honestly, I didn't think it would be that good because Jennifer Lopez is in it and she's kind of known for doing cheesy comedy movies right?? But no!! She was particularly great in this movie and so was Vince Vaughn.
I mean...look
The Cell
The Cell
The Cell

Preeeeetty, and a lot of his images were inspired by other artists!

Second movie, The Fall:

I heard about this movie but never had the urge or 'want' to watch it. Of course, when I first heard of it, I hadn't seen any previews or didn't know anything about the movie. AND THEN! I finally noticed that Tarsem Singh was the director of this movie. And BAMB! I wanted to see it instantly! SO! I purchased...and waited...and waited...and waited to see it until I finally thought the time was right! And am I glad I saw it! It's another visually stimulating movie. The Cell was a super DARK depressing, scary movie but The Fall had a lot lighter tone to it. The main little girl is by far the cutest thing ever. And you leave the movie smiling :D

The Fall
The Fall

NOW!! He's in production of directing the Brothers Grimm: Snow White! There's a little competition going on with the Snow White Film. Another director is directing Snow White and the Huntsman (or something like that) with Kristen Stewart in it. When I first heard that Kristen Stewart was going to polay the role of Snow White...I was totally dumbfounded. I'm sorry to say, well actually, no I'm not sorry to say but Kristen Stewart is not a good actress...at all. She cannot play a seriously role for anything! So her being cast as Snow White turned me off quite quickly.
After K. Stewarts Snow White was announced, Tarsem Singh's Snow White was announced and his is going to be released earlier then K. Stewarts. Apparenlty it's Lord of the Rings-esque. Lily Collins is cast as Snow White in Tarsem's version. I only know her from Blind Side and cannot remember her at all! SO here are two pictures. The first is K. Stewarts Snow White directed by Rupert Sanders. This will be his first movie. And the second is a picture of Lily Collins as Snow White for Tarsem Singh. Which will be his fourth movie.

Snow White Huntsman
Snow White Brothers Grimm

Ummm hellllo~ Tarsem's looks MUCH better :D

No More Originality...


They are set to re-making the classic movie Dirty Dancing.
How HORRID is that?! No body DARES put baby in a corner twice! Are there not anymore creative writers out there? The movies that we have been seeing lately are either all re-makes of classic movies or sequels and prequels. We need more men like Christopher Nolan (Inception) Darren Aronofsky, Danny Boyle, Tarsem Singh (Even though he's remaking Snow White right now, he had some good original films)
I just don't comprehend why people have the need to remake movies..have you SEEN the previews to the new Footloose? Atrocious!
They better not step any foot closer to remaking The Crow. No one messes with the original Crow. Brandon Lee is irreplaceable.