Where am I?



I am up to 300 miles on my bike now! WAHOO!
I enjoy freeway riding, it's not as bad as I imagined it was. There are a lot of asshole drivers out there though. I'm going the speed limit on the freeway and everyone is zooming passed me like crazy. Like today, I took the freeway to the Alderwood Mall and this big ass SUV was behind me on my ass for like 5 miles. He switched lanes to the one next to me and gave me a dirty look and shook his hand pretty much saying "What the bajeeeezuz are you doing driving 10 miles over the speed limit when you should be driving 20 miles over the speed limit" I shook my head at him and almost gave him the finger. I should have! Or kicked his rear view mirror off but his gas guzzlin'-bad for the environment car was way too high for my legs to reach.

It was a pretty good day to go riding though, not too cold and not too hot. I'm getting used to driving on the freeway now.

Anyways, there are a lot of crazy drivers out there and I notice it even more when I'm on my Ninja. I finally got my kickstand back so I'm takin' it to Tom at Bellevue Kawasaki and have them install that for me. It's a bit dangerous parking my bike sometimes cause it stands so straight up. The ticking sound on my bike is gone. I don't think it was anything major. I only filled my gas tank up TWICE since getting this bike. And it's about 8 bucks a fill. That's AWESOME!!



Now that I'm a bike rider, I've been meeting new people. (Well almost)

I'm in a Ninja 250 Forum and there's this half Japanese girl who lives in Redmond that has a Ninja 250. We're going to meet up soon and go for a ride.

And then! My FedEx guy from work also has a Ninja. His is a 600 though, but I think we're going to go riding sometime too. There are about 8 Ninja riders in Washington that we know of and we will at one point all meet up and go for a nice ride.

I'm pretty stoked about this.

What I'm NOT stoked about is my Ninja making funny ticking sound. And I found a tube under the bike that's hanging. I can't remember if it has always been hanging or if it just happened :'(

I think I'll take it to the Kawasaki shop and have Tom or someone take a look at it.

I'm guessing it might be because I didn't follow the proper break-in procedure.

So I've been riding my bike to work now, on the sunny days. The mornings are extremely awesome. The ride back is a little more scarier since there is more traffic, but I'm gradually getting used to it. Being on the freeway feels SO good. Especially when I'm on the bridge crossing the water, seriously, B.E.A.UTIFUL sight!

I added my Gorilla Alarm to my bike so when someone as much as touches it, the alarm will sound off. I'm so glad I got it cause I've been paranoid about it getting ruined since I'm living in an apartment too. And I also got a nice quality cover for my bike for the rainy days and the sunny days. I'm going to start doing some exercise too as it will help with my biking performance. Riding can get really exhausting, especially if you're doing it for a long period of time. I don't think people really get it haha.
This weekend and next week is supposed to be ultra sunny so I'm looking forward to more ride time :)


Dun Dun......DUNNNN........!

Saturday, I finally got my endorsement! i woke up super early so I can beat the DMV lines since they smell bad and can take up to two hours for any service.

After I got my endorsement, we went for a ride!
Jacob, Sara and Stephan and I went for a ride up some hilly hills. It was quite awesome and I had a great time.





I don't care about me, I care more about my bike! And I scratched him up...I'm glad I had frame sliders or else the damage could have been worse.

And I just have a fatty bruise on my knee and hip.
Oi I learned my lesson though.

Maybe it would help if I don't group ride for a while. I should probably ride by myself so I can get used to my body movements.
But other than that! It was really fun. I put in 74 miles that day, so now I'm up to about 114 miles total :D YAY!
I can wait to bring it home with me (At the apartment) but I have to get a cover and an alarm first.




So I passed my MSF course, and now, I just need to get my card and rush to the DMV so that I can get my official endorsement :)

I went out for a ride this weekend and boy it was nice to have the sun out! I didn't really go far, just hung out around Everett and Lynnwood.

Mmmm Friday night I went out to Tacoma, had some drinks and passed out haha. Came home to Everett to ride ride ride and then it was the night of the ultimate birthday bash.

Happy Birthday to Jacob, Jay and Sara! And Melissa too :)

I seriously believe I had way too much to drink, and I'm surprised I didn't get sick.

Sara kicks ass out beer pong, we were SO close to winning, but we only had to drink one of the opponents beer :) I think I might've have gotten a little loud and out of hand, so I sincerely apologize for the way I acted and hope that I will be allowed to come to more of these events. Haha

And thank you to those who took care of me. :)

The next morning, I pretty much had an intense hangover but I had to get to Seattle by 10 in the morning, so I left Sara and Jacob's place at around..8 and realized that my car is pretty much about to die. How sweet is that? All the more reason why I need to get my Ninja endorsement. Then I can start riding it rain or shine.

Okay, back to work!