Where am I?


"I've.....had the time of my life...

And I never felt this way before~"

Peace the spork out goes to Patrick Swayze.

Pancreatic cancer took him at 57 years young :(

Dirty Dancing is by far my favorite Patrick Swayze movie.

"Nobody puts baby in a corner"

"It's not on the one, it's not the mambo. It's a feeling; a heartbeat. "




Saturday night was the last night at the Whammy bar. :'(

It's sad to see it go, but honestly? I saw it coming...

BUT!! It was a very good night Saturday night! I made Ivy come with too! So Martin, Andrew, Ivy and myself drove off to the Whammy. It was good seeing some familiar looking faces haha.

Here are some pictures from that night.

Ivy and myself at the beginning of the night.

Andrew, Ivy, Me! And Andrew's major grill.

Ivy went pole dancing too :D


Ivy and Marty.

Marty and Me.

And the greatest picture from that night!!


Seattle Sun

Today, instead of eating during lunch, hahah I went out for a ride!
I had to get some gas first so I went to the gas station and then went up 99 and onto the Viaduct. It was GORGEOUS!

And then I got of on Seneca St., turned right on 1st Avenue and went through Pioneer Square. Pioneer square was awesome. I need to spend more time there. :)



On Saturday I went down to Everett to hang out with my parents and grandparents. My grandma made her famous Roast Beef/my Grandpa's favorite meal ever that night. So I had a delicious dinner!

Since I was in Everett with nothing else to do, I pondered, and wondered if anybody would be up to anything. So I texted Marting Maxwell to see if he was up to anything and he was with Jacob, Sara, Melanie, Jay, and Brian! So we decided to meet up at a bar and go drinking :D I had to wait about two hours for them to finish the Seahawks game......but it was worth it :D

We met up at the Whammy bar, Ryan and Adam weren't there. I wanted to see Ryan! I haven't seen him in a long time. And then we went down to where Tailgater Joe's used to be. I guess it's not Tailgater Joe's anymore. I loved it back then. They had the best pool table and nachos EVER.I bought the first round for everyone. Kamikaze! There was a crazy dance floor and a lot of people at the bar, we went downstairs and found a table to sit at. It was an overall great night! Ryan showed up too and Bjorn and his friend was there too. Here's a picture of us!

And then everybody left at around 2/2:30 and I drove to Martin's non-existent party. Here said there would be a party, I got there and there were only like five of them haha and Stephan showed up too. It was a good weekend :)



I have decided to set aside some money for a trip next year. I call it my ultimate Pearl Jam trip. I'm going to save as much money as I can, and hopefully when Pearl Jam goes on tour next year, I will have enough to see them somewhere exotic :)

New Zealand? Australia? Europe? Hawaii? JAPAN?! Preferably out of the country besides Canada. I already saw Eddie Vedder in Canada. So, I already have a small stash started and I'll keep on adding to it.

In more immediate savings news. Drew is helping me get an exhaust system. Since he works at a motorcycle mechanic shop, he will be able to order it for me. I hope I will be able to work on installing it with him instead of having his shop guys do it all. I would like some hands on time on my Ninja. I've been going back and forth between the Yoshi, and the Two Bros. I told Drew this and suggests the Leo Vince. I've been doing some research on the Leo Vince and I'm digging it. I heard the Yoshi slip-on in person and yeah, it was loud but it didn't sound TOO great. Sounded a little poppy. I intend on getting the full system. So I have to me in super saving mode.


The Chase


The book I am currently reading right now is The Chase by Clive Cussler. My dad gives me books a lot when he's done reading them. And he's been reading a lot of Clive Cussler. He turned me to Michael Crichton, and he is/was an amazing author. I love his books. It is too bad he passed away. At quite a young age. But I still have a lot of his books to read so I'm glad :)

I like to re-read books too. A lot of people read 'em once and throw them out. But as I get older, I like to re-read them. Gives me a different insight.



[The pictures get cut off, so if you want to see the whole real deal, just click on it :D]

We totally have a clan of Ninja's now! Hahaha :)

Sara has a candy plasma blue ninja now, and Melody has a black ninja :D

Here are pictures of our awesome sawesome bikes.

That one is Sara's and mine :D

And that's Melody's and mine yay!

Oh! I did my first mod by myself :D (with a tiny bit of help from my dad)
I got the competetion werkes fender eliminator kit, cause I mean come on....the fenders on the 250's are pretty uggo.

That's my original fender.

Here is his naked butt. :D

Tada! Fender CHOP! That picture is kinda hard to see the fender huh...

I'll get a better one next time.

Now I'm saving up money for my next couple of mods which are a lot more complicated and I will need the help of some people...

I'm hopefully getting a new dash, but I really want my exhaust first. A lot of people get just the slip-on's, but I'm going for the whole exhaust system. Add a little more power to my Ninja :)



EVERYWHERE I go there is construction work going on. Can't they stick to one project, finish it, and THEN move on to the next project? West on 520 has been under construction for about 3-4 weeks now. They finished east side construction within a week. Why does the west bound have to take so long. URGHA.

It's a lot more dangerous on the bike too...it can get pretty bumpy and scary. And those grooved pavements, I hate those grooved pavements!

And these signs are everywhere.

I'm just waiting for the day my tires slip out under me because of these grooved pavements and big ass bumps. 1st Avenue in Seattle is shitty as all hell, and now they are getting started on 4th. Wait to shut down all the businesses on 1st Avenue Seattle.



My Ninja is doing GREAT! I just had my 600/1,000 mile service done, and everything is A-Okay~! Finally got my new kickstand installed, and my new tank pad is attached :D

It looks super slick kee hee hee

I rode down to Everett on Sunday and totally washed him squeaky clean :)

Sara just purchased herself a Ninja 250 as well :D Candy Plasma Blue!
Hopefully, I will be going out for a ride this Friday since I'm not working! WOO HOO!
With Sara, Jacob and Melody, and I don't know who else =P But that should be great!

The King...

Time for an update for sure.

The King of Pop has passed and it is a very sad moment for many. But he lives on with his music, dance, and outrageous Music Videos. May he finally rest in peace away from all the scandal and the prying eyes of the paparazzi. I hope all goes well with his children. Although, he seemed to have known his fate, it is still incredibly shocking to hear at such a young age. Just one day before, he was happy and rehearsing for his upcoming tour which would have been amazing. No doubt about it. I was hoping to see him in Vegas but that dream is now lost.

Within a week and a half, three celebrities and one semi-celebrity has passed. DAYAMN. It must have been a rough week for a lot of people.



I am up to 300 miles on my bike now! WAHOO!
I enjoy freeway riding, it's not as bad as I imagined it was. There are a lot of asshole drivers out there though. I'm going the speed limit on the freeway and everyone is zooming passed me like crazy. Like today, I took the freeway to the Alderwood Mall and this big ass SUV was behind me on my ass for like 5 miles. He switched lanes to the one next to me and gave me a dirty look and shook his hand pretty much saying "What the bajeeeezuz are you doing driving 10 miles over the speed limit when you should be driving 20 miles over the speed limit" I shook my head at him and almost gave him the finger. I should have! Or kicked his rear view mirror off but his gas guzzlin'-bad for the environment car was way too high for my legs to reach.

It was a pretty good day to go riding though, not too cold and not too hot. I'm getting used to driving on the freeway now.

Anyways, there are a lot of crazy drivers out there and I notice it even more when I'm on my Ninja. I finally got my kickstand back so I'm takin' it to Tom at Bellevue Kawasaki and have them install that for me. It's a bit dangerous parking my bike sometimes cause it stands so straight up. The ticking sound on my bike is gone. I don't think it was anything major. I only filled my gas tank up TWICE since getting this bike. And it's about 8 bucks a fill. That's AWESOME!!



Now that I'm a bike rider, I've been meeting new people. (Well almost)

I'm in a Ninja 250 Forum and there's this half Japanese girl who lives in Redmond that has a Ninja 250. We're going to meet up soon and go for a ride.

And then! My FedEx guy from work also has a Ninja. His is a 600 though, but I think we're going to go riding sometime too. There are about 8 Ninja riders in Washington that we know of and we will at one point all meet up and go for a nice ride.

I'm pretty stoked about this.

What I'm NOT stoked about is my Ninja making funny ticking sound. And I found a tube under the bike that's hanging. I can't remember if it has always been hanging or if it just happened :'(

I think I'll take it to the Kawasaki shop and have Tom or someone take a look at it.

I'm guessing it might be because I didn't follow the proper break-in procedure.

So I've been riding my bike to work now, on the sunny days. The mornings are extremely awesome. The ride back is a little more scarier since there is more traffic, but I'm gradually getting used to it. Being on the freeway feels SO good. Especially when I'm on the bridge crossing the water, seriously, B.E.A.UTIFUL sight!

I added my Gorilla Alarm to my bike so when someone as much as touches it, the alarm will sound off. I'm so glad I got it cause I've been paranoid about it getting ruined since I'm living in an apartment too. And I also got a nice quality cover for my bike for the rainy days and the sunny days. I'm going to start doing some exercise too as it will help with my biking performance. Riding can get really exhausting, especially if you're doing it for a long period of time. I don't think people really get it haha.
This weekend and next week is supposed to be ultra sunny so I'm looking forward to more ride time :)


Dun Dun......DUNNNN........!

Saturday, I finally got my endorsement! i woke up super early so I can beat the DMV lines since they smell bad and can take up to two hours for any service.

After I got my endorsement, we went for a ride!
Jacob, Sara and Stephan and I went for a ride up some hilly hills. It was quite awesome and I had a great time.





I don't care about me, I care more about my bike! And I scratched him up...I'm glad I had frame sliders or else the damage could have been worse.

And I just have a fatty bruise on my knee and hip.
Oi I learned my lesson though.

Maybe it would help if I don't group ride for a while. I should probably ride by myself so I can get used to my body movements.
But other than that! It was really fun. I put in 74 miles that day, so now I'm up to about 114 miles total :D YAY!
I can wait to bring it home with me (At the apartment) but I have to get a cover and an alarm first.




So I passed my MSF course, and now, I just need to get my card and rush to the DMV so that I can get my official endorsement :)

I went out for a ride this weekend and boy it was nice to have the sun out! I didn't really go far, just hung out around Everett and Lynnwood.

Mmmm Friday night I went out to Tacoma, had some drinks and passed out haha. Came home to Everett to ride ride ride and then it was the night of the ultimate birthday bash.

Happy Birthday to Jacob, Jay and Sara! And Melissa too :)

I seriously believe I had way too much to drink, and I'm surprised I didn't get sick.

Sara kicks ass out beer pong, we were SO close to winning, but we only had to drink one of the opponents beer :) I think I might've have gotten a little loud and out of hand, so I sincerely apologize for the way I acted and hope that I will be allowed to come to more of these events. Haha

And thank you to those who took care of me. :)

The next morning, I pretty much had an intense hangover but I had to get to Seattle by 10 in the morning, so I left Sara and Jacob's place at around..8 and realized that my car is pretty much about to die. How sweet is that? All the more reason why I need to get my Ninja endorsement. Then I can start riding it rain or shine.

Okay, back to work!



Last night was the first day for my Motorcycle Safety Foundation Class!
It's actually pretty fun. There are twelve of us all together in class, we sit in groups of three. We discuss videos, and the things we read from the book. And we start riding first thing Saturday morning!! I'm pretty stoked for that part.
I pretty much know how to ride my bike, but these classes are HIGHLY recommended and I'd rather be safe out there :) AND If I take and pass this class, I don't have to take the written or driving test at the DMV which is a bit of a relief. :D
So by next Monday, I will finally be LEGAL to ride around on my bike. All I need is some nice weather. But I'm sure I'll start riding in the rain too, it's inevitable and it's supposed to rain this weekend during class anyways. So it will be good practice.

OH!! and I got my gloves that I purchased yesterday! They are awesome! Goes well with my bike and jacket. :)

So....I'm pretty much ready to ride, I have my jacket, my gloves, my boots, my sweet ass helmet, and of course, the best part of the riding experience, my Ninja :)

I'm super excited it's ridiculous. I'm looking forward to riding around town by myself :)

Okay So I'm going to show off all my gear here.... :D

Here's my Jacket that I got :D

Here are the boots I purchased!

And you already saw my gloves up there.

My Sweet Sweet Helmet. I like the Red and Black, it matches my bike very well.

I eventually want to get the Dahlia. It's so pretty and I love flat black.

This is the Dahlia :)

I don't really have a current picture of my bike right now, but I will post another blog about the current state of my bike and about the mods I have made to it so far :)



Out of all the people that I have known since 1997, how is it that I ended up being on the wrong side of the tracks?



Was St. Patrick's Day! So of course, I just HAD to celebrate. And the way I celebrate you ask?


Of course, I spent it with my two favorite boys. Conner and Murphy.

Needless to say, it was a very good night, although I had to work early in the morning, I only got three hours of sleep. And no, I wasn't alone. That just makes me sound like an alky haha :D

It's finally Friday, and I need to hurry and order my motorcycle gloves. I start my class next weekend! I'm nervous and excited and scared all at the same time. And I really really really hope I pass the class, that way I won't have to take the damn riding test at the DMV. It's probably more strict and difficult there anyways. SO! I hope I do well in class and soon enough, I will be riding Ninja all day every damn day. As long is the sun comes out....which hasn't been happening at all this entire month.




I went to the Pacific Northwest Ballet last night with Ivy! She got free tickets from work so we decided to go :)
They were doing a Broadway Festival. 4 different half hour shows.

Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
TAKE FIVE....More or Less
and Last but not least West Side Story Suite

It was actually pretty good and I enjoyed it very much.

I did fall asleep a couple of times though..but NOT because it was boring, I was just exhausted!

Well, tonight is Watchmen!

I heard that it might be quite confusing but I am rather excited to see this movie.
Too bad it's so late at night...I was going to go watch the Fifth Element.
BUT hopefully I will be able to see it Saturday night after poker night. IF I go to poker tournament.
Fifth Element is SO worth seeing in the Theaters. I cannot wait. :)


It's all about the Ninja, yet again!

I have finally signed up for my MSF class!
WOO HOO finally, I will learn the proper ways of riding my Ninja, and I will have my license soon after that :)

It's a three day class Thursday from 6:00-10:00 P.M.
Saturday from 8:00-6:00 P.M.
and Sunday from 8:00-2:00

It's actually pretty brutal....I'm not really looking forward to it...And I really hope it doesn't rain cause classes are still a GO even if it rains..
Good luck to me!!
I can't wait to take my Ninja for a well deserved long ride.


Bet......!!!! DAMNIT ROBBER

I am Twenty Three Years Old. As of yesterday.

AND Ivy was going to take me to Betsey Johnson yesterday for a birthday present!

BUT. .......DUN...DUN.....DUNNNNNNNNNNN..........

A damn robber robbed the bank right next to Betsey Johnson, and supposedly placed a BOMB in there! WHO DOES THAT?!?! ON MY BIRTHDAY?!!?!!?!
He could have at LEAST waited until 6:00. Or even 5:30. Then I would be a happy twenty three year old. ROAR!

That's pretty much how I felt when I saw the yellow tape blocking my store! ROAR!!

It's okay though, we're going today :D

And on Friday, we're going to the GARAGE!

That place is Awesome! Billiards and Bowling!



Just Dance...

I have recently been addicted to this song. Just Dance, by Lady GaGa.

She's actually pretty dang awesome and techno-y. I even got Ivy into her!

And she's totally going to be at the Showbox in March. WOOT Deffo going.

I'm going to go grab her CD tonight!


Oh my, so soon?!




We are moving to good ol' Redmond, WA

It's a super nice area, and the apartment that we got is kinds really super small, but it's cute, and the complex is nice, they have little trails and stuff and a racquetball court to boot!

I was iffy at first due the the smallness of the apartment...I think it's cause I've ALWAYS had a tiny tiny room, and for once I wanted something a bit more roomy especially since I'm paying for it myself. But oh well, I think I'll get used to it. I'll have less junk to brink along with me.

I just hope little Ki Ki will like it!


New Years and Cabin Time!

SO! For my first time ever since moving to America (that would be 11 years ago this year) I actually had fun on New Years Eve/New Years! WOO HOO.

Went to Sammamish House and met some new poeple too~!

Here are all the Japanese Girls together

Aibi and me with Martin's Puppy!

Aibi Paul and Me

*BUCHU!* KYA! That's bad! :D


Drew Me and Paul warming up at the Cabin.